Grant-Funded Projects
As a part of our plan to continue growth and become a more versatile manufacturer of precision parts, we have completed various renewal, expansion and diversification projects with the assistance of grant funding. Through different national funding initiatives, Worcestershire County Council has supported us with the following projects:

As part of the Supply Chain Improvement Programme we are expanding Styles Precision's manufacturing capabilities to include surface finishing, by Wet Blasting. With the purchase of Vixen's Aquablast 915, we hope to reduce customer lead times by lessening our reliance on sub-contract finishing.
With funding from the RDPE, Styles Precision purchased a Sodick ALC600G Wire EDM machine. The machine was the first one on our shopfloor that wasn't a conventional CNC mill or lathe. The precision wire eroding capability of the machine added another 'string to our manufacturing bow', and also allowed us to approach some existing work more far efficiently.
Partially funded by the RDPE, Styles Precision purchased a DMG Mori DMF 180/7 5-axis mill. At a time where our milling capacity was greatly stretched, the addition of a new 5-axis machine (significantly larger than our existing 5-axis) was desperately needed to keep up with the demand for high precision, complex parts.
With the help of the Business Energy Efficiency Programme, Styles Precision upgraded lights on the shopfloor from conventional filament bulbs to more sustainable LEDs. A more efficient boiler and roller shutter door were also installed in order to heat the unit quicker and using less fuel.